SecRm User Commands SecRm NAME SecRm - Secure file removal utility. SYNOPSIS secrm FILE... [--noprompt] [--verbose] secrm --help DESCRIPTION SecRm provides a secure file removal, erasing any trace of the original data of the file from the media where it was written. A file deleted by SecRm cannot be recovered through any file recovery tool. It does this by replacing the contents of the file by a sequence of random values prior to delete it. If the file is retrieved by a recovery tool, the retrieved data will be this random sequence instead of the original contents of the file. The list of files to be deleted must be provided at the command line. OPTIONS --noprompt Remove the files without prompting for confirmation. --verbose -v Shows the progress of the deletion of the files on the standard output (stdout). --help -h Shows this help page. COPYRIGHT SecRm v1.01 Copyright (c) 2013 Dalen Knowledge Systems under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License